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Mission, Vision, Values

Our team of experienced professionals help organizations clarify their identity, differentiate themselves in the market, and align their internal culture with their strategic goals, ultimately driving greater success and impact.  We guide the definition and articulation of core purpose, long-term goals, and guiding principles to help clients develop a comprehensive and compelling mission statement, vision statement, and set of core values that reflect their unique identity and aspirations.


Policies & Procedures

Our team of experienced professionals work with clients to gain insight regarding what is and is not working with their policies and procedures. We then recommend a framework and guidelines for policies, as well as a replicable assessment tool to ensure policies are easier to understand and follow.

Finally, we work within your organization to create and/or revise policies and procedures that align to and support your mission, vision and values.

Records Management

Our team of experienced professionals align with organizations ready to develop usable records management programs, simplify contracts for easier execution, train your associates on compliance related topics, or update compliance policies. We also specialize in improving efficiencies with preservation, e-discovery, legacy records and privacy.

Examples of previous work:

  • Designed and implemented records management programs

  • Conducted nationwide focus groups to identify compliance related areas that may be improved upon

  • Redesigned code of conduct

  • Wrote concise, easy to understand, compliance policies

  • Provided guidance on influencing corporate culture & behaviors

  • Ghost wrote communications for leaders to heighten awareness

  • Defined metrics to monitor performance

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